Holiday Spirits Decor

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Snow + Glitter Putz House Tutorial

Maybe its the Chicagoan in me, but I love adding snowy rooftops and landscapes to my putz houses!  This tutorial is all about creating the glittery vintage style details that make putz houses so magical!

These directions pick up from my tutorial on  how to glitter your house 

Craft Supplies

* Deco Art Snow-Tex (small jar)

* Flat+Detail Paintbrushes

* Ultrafine Crystal Glitter (Roof/Chimney)

* Larger Size Crystal Glitter (Snow)

* Water + Paper Towel (to clean brushes)

* Shallow Box + Wax Paper (to catch & reuse glitter)

* Light Blue Acrylic Paint (optional)

Putz House Ornament Prep

  • If you’re making a stand alone putz house, you can skip to the next section on Making it Snow..

  • Decide where to place your house and bottle brush trees on the chipboard base.

  • Use a pencil to mark both trees placement on the base. (this is also a good time to sign & date the bottom of your chipboard base with a Sharpie)

  • This step is totally optional, but I like to paint swirls of pale blue paint across the chipboard base to break up & accent the snow. Let the paint dry a few minutes before adding Snow.

  • Glue your house to the base & hold until set.

Glittering the Chimney + Roof

  • Use a smaller paintbrush to apply glitter gluearound the snow to all 4 side of the Chimney.

  • Hold your house over the glitter box & cover each side of the chimney with Ultrafine Crystal Glitter.

  • Apply glitter glue around the snow on one side of the Roof. Switch to a larger paintbrush to cover the open roof areas. Work quickly to cover the roof & even out the glue  Check your glue  coverage. before you apply glitter

  • Holding the house over your glitter box, sprinkle/pour a thick layer of Ultrafine Crystal Glitter over the Roof. Shake to cover the surface.

  • Follow the same steps to glitter the other side the roof. Set aside to dry.

Glittering the Snow

I like to cover the snow with larger crystal glitter to create contrast and a vintage holiday look.

  • Apply glitter glue with a smaller detail paintbrush to an area of snow on the roof peak .

  • Holding your house over the glitter box, sprinkle the glue covered snow with larger crystal glitter. Shake to cover and shake off excess glitter.

  • Follow the same steps to cover all the snow on your roof & chimney with glitter

  • Set the house aside to let the glittered snow dry 30 minutes-an hour.