Putz House Craft Supply List
Gather your craft supplies and set up a cozy crafting space with good lighting to build your putz houses! The craft supplies you need are pretty basic & readily available from your local craft store or Amazon. If you plan to make White Houses, you only need glue to assemble and cover the windows with vellum!
building supplies:
Quick Dry Tacky Glue/Quick Grip Glue (construction)
Rubber Cement/Tombow Mono Glue or Quick Grip Glue (vellum windows)
Krylon Sealing Spray (optional) seals & protects houses you don’t paint or glitter from dust + humidity
paint + glitter supplies:
Acrylic Paints + White Acrylic Paint
Round + Flat Paintbrushes (med to small size)
Art Glitter Adhesive or Tacky Glue (glittering)
Ultrafine Crystal Glitter (for house)
✦ many “clear” glitters contain iridescent flakes —you want a non iridescent glitter
Crystal Glitter (larger size for snow)
Deco Art Snow-Tex (small size jar)
optional supplies:
Gesso Primer Folk Art 6 oz (Michaels stocks this small bottle)
Silver/Colored Ultrafine Glitter
Glass Glitter 100/90 & 80/70 grit + Glitter Adhesive glitteredcrafts.com
beautiful sparkle/better for the environment but not recommended with children
helpful bits + bobs
Wax Paper + Shallow Box (catch/reuse glitter) shallow garden store plant boxes are perfect
Small glass jar with lid (mix + use glitter glue)
Glass of water + paper towel (clean brushes)
Chopstick/Paintbrush handle (reach glue tabs inside the house if you have short fingers like me)
I hope you enjoy making these glittery miniature houses! I love how they adapt to any color palette or holiday decorating style. Pinterest boards and Procreate Color Palettes are great sources for color inspiration, coordinating a village color scheme, or house/trim combinations!
Have fun! — Carol
These Tutorials will help you assemble and finish your Putz Houses!